Junior/Senior Squad
Juniors are ages 12 and under. Seniors are ages 13 and up. These squads are open to all swimmers but will now provide access to longer training times and more training sessions. Again, while open to all swimmers, we are encouraging these swimmers to train 5 times per week or more.​
Performance Squad
Open to both Juniors and Seniors. The performance squad will train as juniors or seniors simultaneously (depending on the swimmer’s age). The Squad will be made up of our highest-performing swimmers in each age group. Time qualifications (National-level meets like NAGS, NZ Opens, and NZSC and also some regional-level meets) and commitment to attend training are the qualifications for entry.​
Children entering Capital Swim Club from swim schools need to be able to:
* To swim basic freestyle with correct breathing and basic backstroke.
* The ability to do breaststroke kicks is preferred but not required.
* The minimum level for children transitioning from SwimWell is Eels. But this does not guarantee they meet the requirements to safely swim in the big pool. Entry is guaranteed from Dolphins up.
Joining Capital Swim Club is as easy as 1-2-3!
Click the button below and send through your contact details.
We will contact you to organise a free assessment.
You will be assigned a squad you may trial with for a week before being invited to join.